AI-Powered Surf Judging System

Developed a pioneering AI-based surf judging system that automates scoring, improves accuracy, and ensures consistency throughout events. The system integrates video analysis and real-time wave height detection, setting new standards for fairness in surf competitions, and is now used by Olympic surfing teams worldwide.
Large Surfing Organisation
AI Development, AI Implementation, App Development, Computer Vision, & R&D
Outcome Required
We were tasked with formulating a strategy and implementation for automating surf judging, a challenge that had never been tackled before. This ground-breaking system, developed before such technology was mainstream, has since been adopted by Olympic surfing teams worldwide, revolutionising the sport's judging process and setting new standards for fairness and accuracy.
Problems to Overcome

Quantifying the fluid nature of surfing, a dynamic and subjective sport, in an effective manner. Detecting wave heights accurately, a critical factor in judging, despite the waves' constantly changing forms. Dealing with panning cameras and difficult lighting conditions, which can hinder accurate visual analysis. Providing real-time analysis and scoring baselines to ensure consistency throughout an event, even as fatigue sets in.


We developed a model quantifying surfing that allowed us to predict surfers scores. The model can then be fed with a video camera feed as a tool to facilitate and help surf judgers and ensure that quality and consistency are enforced throughout the day, particularly as the day goes on. If you watch surfing for 20 minutes you will appreciate just how difficult it is to get a consistent feel of the wave height.

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